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Organize. Don't set yourself against the messenger. What is visible - you want to have no responsibilities, no freedom, and no decison-making. Neoteny. First of all, you are not allowed to have control over your TIME.

The main reason why individual citizens of a country create a political structure is the unconscious desire or aspiration to perpetuate their own childhood dependency relationships. Put simply, they want a human god to remove all risk from their lives, pat them on the head, kiss their bruises, put chicken on every dinner, clothe their bodies, tuck them into bed at night and tell them that everything will be all right when they wake up in the morning. This public demand is improbable, so the human god, the politician, responds to improbability with improbability, promising everything and delivering nothing.

Again, most people want to be free to do things (explore, etc.), but they are afraid of failure. The fear of failure manifests itself in irresponsibility, and especially in delegating to others those personal responsibilities where success is uncertain or where there are possible or created obligations (law) that the person is not prepared to accept. They want power (authority, root word - "author"), but they will not accept responsibility or obligation. So they hire politicians to face reality for them.

We need to understand SYSTEMS of POWER. Liberals argue: 'You must stop physically harming me, but it's acceptable to exploit my labor as long as I can maintain a comfortable lifestyle.' We should dismantle hierarchical capitalist corporations and proprietary businesses. Additionally, we need to abolish the US Constitution, either drafting a new one or considering life without it. There should be no president or prime minister, as these roles represent tyrannical power structures. We must abolish them.

Capitalists want forced slave wage labor. They want workers who have no choice but to submit to the conditions of corporate commands. Capitalists seek monopolies, not free markets. They use profits to control governments to enslave governments to serve the interests of capitalists. They want captive media audiences so they can control the public mind. They want the working class to think of themselves as consumers seeking entertainment commodities. "Competition," as Peter Thiel famously wrote, "is for losers." No self-respecting capitalists would engage in markets. The successful capitalist forces government subsidies and government protections in the interest of creating and protecting monopolies, and forces desperate workers to perform circus tricks of labor on command.

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