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Decolonize. Indigenize

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Abusive, dominant, patriarchal, supremacist systems are poisoning your design as a human being and the indoctrination runs deep into your social position.
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Why do we live in a certain order? Because we have come to use too many things that we do not need to be truly free, we are trapped and the current order keeps us in the trap.
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If you want to liberate yourself, that will require work. We can end the tyranny of the corporate-state by organizing resistance. You will have your genuine friendships and partnerships when free of the vertical vulture system. Creating a better world is actually amazingly easy and you don't need to read aby theories about it.
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Can't buy freedom

Economic systems like capitalism present complex challenges that contribute to inequality and access issues. Tackling such deep-rooted systemic issues ultimately requires collective action, policy changes, and societal shifts.
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People in large groups create movements, activism, revolutions, alternative political parties, causes, protests and new belief systems. We observe decisive actions everywhere. People cry out for global revolutionary change in almost every sphere of life. But the desperate thing about these cries is that they are in vain, if there is no internal change and development in people. Therefore, there will be no change. We ourselves refuse to change ourselves.
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Freedom to Disobey

If you can't or don't want to build the movement to end Zionism, to decolonize, to end white supremacy, to end corporate supremacy, to end patriarchy, capitalism, and the state,and to put an end to liberal and progressive reform politics, please get out of here.
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Our Mission

Non-fungible relations
If you want free and non-fungible relations, we don’t need to transform current systems. We need to dismantle and them and create new ones. If you want “security”, you can continue to buy --- frustration.

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Our Vision

We are here to help you build meaningful relations. If you rarely meet real couples and if you see a disguised prostitute and a client who thinks he is loved, you are quite vigilant. We are being exchanged, monetized and commodified. We do not have genuine relations like indigenous people. The reason they are free is because they do not have hierarchical societal structures. In western cultures we do not really have societies, we just have classes that behave like businesses.